Aug 6, 2024 20 views

Spaniards who value compassion – Bushido, Samurai, Zen. What is the reason for living of a man who believes in Buddhism and Taoism?

We found these two Spaniards at the ropeway stop of Mt. Shoshazan. We tried not to flinch at his macho appearance, which resembled that of Aitol’s fighters, and talked to them, and then they were people of compassion and generosity of spirit. Where is the place to lean on? What is the purpose of life? What he taught us in our brief, one-time encounter, which lasted less than an hour, was the meaning of life.

Q.Why did you come to Shoshazan Engyoji Temple?

I have been traveling around Japan and visiting various temples and shrines, but Shoshazan Engyoji Temple is special to me. I saw the movie “The Last Samurai” and really wanted to visit this place, which was used as a filming location for the movie.

You see, I have a tattoo of a “Samurai” on my arm. I am deeply inspired by the spirit of Bushido, so I etched Samurai spirit on my tattoo.

I had a lot of feelings before coming to Japan, so I was really moved when I saw the actual Shoshazan Engyoji Temple in front of me. There’s a serenity in the air, an air of holiness. I prayed, rang the “Bell of Mercy” on the way to the temple, and offered incense at the Mani-den.

Shoshazan Engyoji Temple – Location of Movie “The Last Samurai” |View of autumn leaves from Ropeway and experience Japanese calligraphy, sitting meditation, etc

Q.Is your interest in Japan influenced by religion?

I began my interest in Buddhism and Taoism when I was a teenager, and I have also studied aikido and other forms of martial arts.

Through religious teachings, I have learned to pursue inner serenity and truth, not to be caught up in material desires or social values. Even when faced with real-life suffering and difficulties, it is important to regain inner serenity and look again at what is right within oneself.

The meaning of life is not to be sought outside, but to be found within. For me, these teachings are the place to lean on and the “Ikigai”(reason for living).

Q.Any last comments please!

There are many Asian countries that have been influenced by Buddhism and Taoism, but Japan is exceptional for me.

The more I visit temples and shrines throughout Japan, the more I feel it. In Kyoto before coming to Himeji, I did Zen meditation at a small temple, which was a very sacred experience. It was a wonderful time to prepare my mind.

By the way, unlike me, she was not interested in this kind of world, but she is learning from me through this trip. Lol

This article is current as of Aug 8, 2024. It may differ from the latest information.